Sunday, December 03, 2006

screw it , I'll update

Did alot of racing this year. Did pretty ok when I stayed in state. Mostly got my ass served to me by out of staters. Moral of the story.....if you race against out-of-staters, don't upgrade. I still liked racing out of state though but as a Cat 3, I pretty much sucked. Cross was the same story, race against Iowans, do ok and have fun. Have out of staters show up and get my ass handed to me. Anywho, my youngest pissed in the bathwater tonight. That was awesome. We got alot of snow and it makes my body hurt. There is a mouse in the garage and my oldest won't go out there. I was glad to hear earlier tonight that not everyone has a price. Sorry about your bad luck witch doctor. If I was a chronic masturbator, I would have alot of pictures of hot chicks on my blog sight. I need a shower, an enema might feel good to.


mtb05girl said...

haha...rant mode on should be the title of this post.

Neve_r_est said...

Just the facts, ma'am.

scottiemc2 said...

finally and update...have you got the fat tire bike 'bout some video of it at dehns

S. Smith said...


see you at Snake Alley next year. I'm finally racing as a 4 again!