Monday, April 02, 2007

Im an asshole and make bad things happen at State fair grounds crit

Some people are just sore losers. I had no intention of doing as well as I did at Sundays race and never felt in control the entire time. This was one of the most painful crits I have done in all my 18 years of racing. I have been contemplating an upgrade but anytime I race out of state where the fields are over 60 I usually get crushed. Apparently I hurt Sean Noonan's and Jake Boyce's feelings. Sean said it was a bad thing that happened when I won and Jake, who is incredibly strong, referred to me as an asshole in his blog site. Both of them felt I contributed very little to the break away in our race that ended up lapping the field. I am sorry they feel that way. I never kept score of who was in the front and who wasn't. I know the two guys in red were definitely stronger than myself and Lincoln plating guy. I have been racing since 1989. In that time I have upgraded, downgraded,been a USCF official, and upgraded again. I work full-time as a highschool teacher and have 2 boys to raise and feed. I pay an assload of bills and work at a thankless job were people are constantly shitting on you. I train as much as time allows. I am not getting any younger. I am way past my prime. Its a real joy to have a couple of young boys about half my age talk shit about me because I made it to the line before one of them. Incidently, I did not have a free weekend. My house needed 2 new storm doors. The race didn't even cover half a door.


Pete Basso said...

Tracy - In two years of reading your blog I want you to know that was the first post that had some heart in it baby!! Yes, the man does have emotion.

Seriously though, don't worry about the youngsters, they have the rest of their life to race and win, you and me are getting up there and need to soak in as many as we still can!! You're a friggin horse out there and a classy rider. You've always been respectful and honest. Everyone loves you dude!!

Sean Noonan said...

i'm always "joshin" you and talking shit. relax.


mattonne said...

you ride way too fast, you start your sprints way too soon, and my dogs aren't yappy either...:)

Jake Boyce said...

Hey man, no hard feelings. What I said was just giving you crap. It is bike racing, your strategy worked out better than mine. That is how it works and I am fine with it. I know it is hard to tell what is anger and what is a joke on a blog, but in general. I tend to joke more. It was by no means meant to piss you off.
But yeah, it was a good race and I had a great time regardless.
Maybe someday we will have a rematch, who knows. Until then good luck with everything.

Anonymous said...


Brett said...
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Brett said...
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Brett said...

I've observed your 18 bicycle years and call you sir.

This site excepted, friends don't give friends crap via the internet/blog sites/WWW. Friends talk face to face when they have something to say.


scottiemc2 said...

you should upgrade and wear a dress to race in...

Lou Waugaman said...

... two boys, half your age, bitching about getting beat.

Welcome to my world ;)

I still think you should upgrade, sandbagger.


S. Smith said...

Tracy, you rock. I watch your results with awe--I wish I had half your commitment and strength out there on the bike.

These young punks out there are one of the reasons I decided to quit road racing, among many other reasons.

(sandbagger :))

S. Smith said...

This post still gives me inspiration. Tracy, I need to give you a call. You are my hero.