Thursday, February 07, 2008

I think I'll be a dick today

Since I have about six readers or fewer, why not be a dick. I don't mean much offense by it so why not. First off, my hobbies are expensive and putting me in the poor house. Why not sell some quality time with myself to support my hobby. If you are interested in spending time with me while paying for some of my racing let me know. Seriously, other people are doing it, must be a good idea, and who wouldn't want to hang out, go to McDonald's, rent some DVD's at Blockbuster and chill in my man cave. Secondly, not to totally put down the hundreds of volunteered hours that go into planning and administering the Iowa Cup series, as that is a very noble thing to do, what is the deal with leaving all state championships out of the series? Wouldn't Iowa cup be a great way to promote these events? Anyway, I'm an idiot so what I have put above should not be deemed offensive in any manner but could be I don't know. And while I am on my dick mode trend, I will remind everyone, my friend Nick has a tanning bed. I am not kidding..............


mtb05girl said...


mattonne said...

How big is your TV?

How do i get to my old stuff said...


Neve_r_est said...

Ok, who's the sixth reader?


Anonymous said...

My X wants her cock back!! She is getting mad. Maybe we could put it on eBay; I could use some gas money.

mtb05girl said...

Nick- maybe you could put your X on ebay?

Anonymous said...

No... She's not a cat 2 yet!!

Anonymous said...

Funny funny as usual...wish you'd post more..think you'd really like Nick's tanning bed though..sure he'd let you try it some time.

Anonymous said...
